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Either requested by an individual or an intermediary, geriatric evaluations are often required for a variety of reasons. In general, these assessments seek to establish the cognitive capability of an individual, needing to be proved due to a physical condition, trauma or impairment, or because of legitimizing legal competency. These are several examples of situations that may warrant an individual to undergo a geriatric evaluation:


  • Competency to Enter into Contracts

  • Competency to Live Independently

  • Competency to Manage Affairs

  • Competency to Make Treatment Decisions

  • Impact of Dementia, Alzheimer's and Other Such Diseases


At Clayman & Associates, the difference in our geriatric evaluations is that we work by tracking an individual's changes associated with the normal aging process over time—being able to provide a more substantive, realistic view of one's thinking and reasoning abilities. Our comprehensive findings include an outline of the disease process (if identified), the rate of decline and the level of functioning ability demonstrated by the individual over the duration of the assessment. Our recommendations are objective and driven by factual data collected throughout the evaluation.









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